Applications & Forms
Permit Application and Plan Review Fee Schedule
Plans and application forms must be submitted eight days prior to the meeting to be considered for review. Property owners may schedule an appointment to attend the meeting.
New Homes & Additions – Permit fees are based on square footage of the project. Calculation of square footage to include living, storage and garage space. New Homes & Additions also require a deposit in addition to the permit fee. Deposits are refundable upon completion of the project. See page 21 of A Guide to Owning Property in Arrowhead Woods for requirements for deposit request.
Please note:
On March 15, 2024, the Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee’s Fee Waiver Program, offered for damage to structures caused by the 2023 Snowstorms, will end. After that date, we will resume our normal inspection fees. Those fees can be found on this website under Applications and Forms.
New Home Application Fee | $4,000 |
New Home Refundable Deposit | $1,500 |
ADU’s and Additions Application Fee | $2,500 |
ADU’s and Additions Refundable Deposit | $1,500 |
The $1,500 deposit will be refunded if the following conditions are met: The structure is completed per the AWAC approved plan, including all exterior finishes, the County Certificate of Occupancy is provided to AWAC, and a written request for the refund is submitted within 30 days of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. |
Build-Up Conversion | $500 |
Carport | $1,500 |
Decks | $500 |
Dormers | $500 |
Fences – over 100 lineal feet | $500 |
Fences – under 100 lineal feeet (dog runs, split rail, etc.) | $250 |
Hardscape (landscape walls under 3’, pillars, etc) | $250 |
Outbuildings under 120 SF (including sheds, gazebos, tree houses and green houses) | $500 |
Painting | $300 |
Painting: Touch Up | $100 |
Retaining and Landscape Walls* over 3 feet in height | $1,500 |
Roofing | $300 |
Siding | $300 |
Solar Panels | $100 |
Stairs | $500 |
Tree Trimming | $150 |
Tree Removal | $250 |
Dead Tree Removal | No Charge |
Window or Doors (Adding or Relocating) | $300 |
Windows or Doors: Replacing with the same size | No Charge |
*Retaining/Landscape Walls over 3-feet – $300 of the permit fee will be refunded if the following conditions are met: Wall is completed to plan, including all finishes, the approved County building permit is provided to AWAC, and the request for refund is made within 30-days of the completion of the wall.
Implements 5/1/2020 – fees are subject to change by action of the Committee
The Committee reserves the right to assess additional inspection fees for all plans, which are rejected or require additional information or site inspection due to poorly prepared plans or non-compliance. Please ensure your plans are correct and meet AWAC guidelines. Permit fees are non-refundable.
Homeowners who fail to obtain AWAC approval prior to the commencement of their project (including painting and roofing) will be assessed an Additional Inspection Fee, Administration Fee and/or fine based on the extent of the project.
To encourage full completion of projects, projects not completed within a reasonable amount of time may be required to reapply with AWAC and may be subjected to additional fees. Permits are valid for 18-months from the original AWAC approval date unless otherwise stated. Projects started prior to AWAC approval will be subjected to fines, inspection and reinspection fees and increased scrutiny to ensure completion of the project and compliance with CC&Rs.
Deposit Request – New home construction and additions are subject to a deposit (noted on previous page) , which shall accompany the application. The deposit will be refunded when the following conditions are met: (1) Written request is made within 30 days’ of completion; and (2) Inspection at the site reveals the project is built as submitted, reviewed and approved by AWAC. Failure to comply with the approved AWAC plans will result in some or all of the deposit being retained. Failure to request the deposit within 30 days’ of completion will result in the forfeit of the full deposit amount.
Unauthorized Tree Work – Tree work performed illegally (that is, without prior approval from AWAC) will result in property owners paying for damages that resulted from tree cutting, trimming and/or removing. Substantial monetary damages have been and will be improved when trees have been removed without prior approval and/or trimmed to improve a view. The application fee is for one inspection. If multiple inspections are required, an additional fee per inspection will be required. In some cases, a property survey may be required to ascertain ownership of the tree(s) in question.